Dr. Dirk Ostermann
Dr. Dirk Ostermann has many years of extensive experience in the field of dentistry.
- Born in 1967, Abitur 1986, studied dentistry in Hannover at the MHH, state examination 1992, doctorate 1994
- Conscription as a staff doctor of the Navy in Wilhelmshaven 1992-1993
- Assistant time in dental joint practice in Koblenz 1993-1994
- Independent dentist in individual practice in the third generation since 1994 in Hanover Implantologically active since 1995
- CEREC and inLab user since 1998 with up-to-date equipment
- Curricular advanced training in implantology, endodontology, periodontology and aesthetic dentistry
- National and international speaker activity since 1999 with the topics: Dental photography, CEREC, all-ceramics, digitization in the dental practice, implantology, billing in the dental practice
- Several publications
For the companies VITA Zahnfabrik GmbH and Co KG, Ivoclar Vivadent GmbH, Dentsply Sirona GmbH as National Speaker
Voluntary work at the homeless project "Zahnmobil Hannover" since 2012, dental director since 2017
2. Chairman of the Förderverein Zahnmobil Hannover
Founding and board member of AG-DDM
Active member of the study group CAD/CAM of the Karl-Häupl-Institut in Düsseldorf 2000-2010 under the direction of Dr. Andreas Kurbad
CEREC mentor of the DDA since 2014
Certified international CEREC trainer of ISCD 2017
DS Digital Universe Trainer Certification 2023
Speaker at Fit for CEREC since 2023
Member of the FVDZ, DGCZ, DGZI, ZfN, VuV, AG-DDM, Förderverein Zahnmobil Hannover